LiteWeight LamLite makes projects simple, easy and inexpensive.
LamLite products arrive finished and ready to install – straight away. Very often, in a single evening.
A small crew is all that is needed for on-the-spot installation.
LamLite pre-manufactured bulkheads and soffits virtually eliminate drywall and sanding. There is no drywall dust and little or no store-downtime.
LamLite products are so lightweight, a fraction of traditional materials, that no additional structural reinforcement is needed. Often times, LamLite products can be hung right from the drop ceiling.
LamLite products feature neatly mitered-corners, can display huge graphics, be painted or use wall coverings, and can come in a virtually unlimited number of finishes.
Due to their design and weight, LamLite products are excellent for seismically-active locations.
LamLite bulkheads, trellises and other retail elements are manufactured and shipped ready-for-installation, so the brand’s look is uniform store-to-store, region-by-region.